Wednesday 22 April 2020

Pakistan PM Imran Khan Set To Get Tested For COVID-19, Says Official

Pakistan PM Imran Khan Set To Get Tested For COVID-19, Says Official 

Imran Khan in formal attire: Pakistan PM Imran Khan set to get tried for COVID-19, says official © Provided by The Financial Express Pakistan PM Imran Khan set to get tried for COVID-19, says official Imran Khan in formal attire: Pakistan PM, Imran Khan, COVID-19, COVID-19 disease, coronavirus flare-up, covid 19 test, coronavirus cases in pakistan © Provided by The Financial Express Pakistan PM, Imran Khan, COVID-19, COVID-19 contamination, coronavirus episode, covid 19 test, coronavirus cases in pakistan

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is set to experience a test for the novel coronavirus on Wednesday, days subsequent to meeting a notable donor who has been distinguished positive for the COVID-19 contamination, an authority has said.

An aggregate of 17 additional individuals have passed on in Pakistan from the COVID-19 over the most recent 24 hours, causing significant damage to 209. The quantity of coronavirus cases has ascended to 9,749 with 533 new diseases announced as of Wednesday, the Ministry of National Health Services has said.

Consultant on Information Firdous Ashiq Awan said that the group of the Prime Minister has just tried negative.

Khan will get tried on Wednesday, Awan said. Khan's own doctor and CEO of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital, Faisal Sultan, told the media on Tuesday that Khan would experience a COVID-19 test.

"PM Khan will experience trial of the coronavirus to show that he is a dependable resident of this county.We will follow all conventions set up and make suggestions in like manner," he said.

Khan concurred for the test after Faisal Edhi, the child generally giver Abdul Sattar Edhi and administrator of the Edhi Foundation, met him a week ago, and has now tried positive for the coronavirus. Saad, the child of Faisal Edhi, told the Dawn paper on Tuesday that his dad began demonstrating side effects a week ago, not long after gathering Khan in Islamabad on April 15.

"The side effects went on for four days before dying down," Saad said. Faisal Edhi had met Prime Minister Khan to hand over a Rs 10 million check for the chief's coronavirus alleviation finance. The Edhi Foundation was established by the late Abdul Sattar Edhi and is the main cause association in Pakistan.

Khan will take an interest in an occasion on Thursday sorted out to gather gifts to battle the COVID-19 pandemic in the nation. Pakistan's Punjab region has revealed 4,328 cases, Sindh has 3,053, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa 1,345,

Balochistan 495, Gilgit-Baltistan 284, Islamabad 194 and Pakistan-involved Kashmir 51 patients. Up until this point, 118,020 tests have been done across the nation, remembering 5,647 for the most recent 24 hours. In the interim, at any rate 492 Pakistanis, including 92 ladies, abandoned in Afghanistan due to coronavirus pandemic have come back to their nation from the Torkham fringe.

Authorities said another 111 youngsters, not enrolled with them as abandoned people however going with their folks, generally moms, were likewise permitted to enter Pakistan, the Dawn paper announced.

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