Monday 24 April 2017

Forage Product Manager!

Forage Product Manager! ,

I'm in need of a Forage Product Manager! The Forage Product Manager helps to develop and maintain existing on-farm strip trial product testing programs to gain knowledge of forage product performance in various environments. This individual coordinates with the National Sales Leader, the Alfalfa Strategy Leader, Marketing, the Corn Product Development Agronomist and Alfalfa Research to design and implement a strategy that will stimulate interest and purchases in all of the company’s forage products. If you have agronomy and/or animal nutrition experience, let's talk!

Sunday 23 April 2017

Dairy Farm Special Edition for Milking Parlors/ Liners and teat health

Dairy Farm Special Edition for Milking Parlors/ Liners and teat health,

The Liner is the only component of the milking machine that comes into contact with the caw’s teat . therefore, the liner in THE KEY component in the process of milking cows quickly , gently and completely. Here we try to give some notes to the farmers choose and use liners that will improve milk harvesting on their farm. The time and the money spent in careful selection and maintenance of the right liners is almost always a cost effective investment.
Most people would not drive their car or tractor once the tread on the tires becomes worn. They know that worn tires are dangerous, increase the likelihood of having an accident and reduce the handling performance and efficiency of their vehicle. However, there is another piece of rubber on a dairy farm that is often not treated with such respect. The milking liner, which is ultimately the final point of contact between the sensitive teat tissues of the cow and the milking machine is frequently not changed when worn and remains un-changed as the performance of the liner starts to decline.
In the EU, the recommendation is that liners should be changed  every six months or after milking 2500 cows (whichever is sooner). This can be easily calculated by multiplying the number of milking cows by the milking frequency and then dividing this figure by the number of milking clusters. This gives the number of cows milked per liner per day. You can then divide 2500 milking by this number to give you the recommended change frequency in days. In the USA, where the formulation of the rubber compound contains less carbon black, liners require changing after milking around 1200 cows.

 Result As a Liner Age

There has been considerable research carried out looking at what happens to the liner and it’s performance as it starts to age. These researches carried out some on US formulation liners ,while other studies examined EU formulation liners. Therefore, although the trends are similar, the actual number of milking where measurable differences in performance can be seen will vary between continents.

-      The aging liner produced a decreased peak milk flow rate,
-      increased vacuum fluctuations,
-      increased milking duration
-      decreased mouthpiece chamber vacuum.
-      a small but consistent trend in decreased average milk flow rate as the liner aged.
-      At a farm level, this would manifest itself as slower milking, longer unit on time
-      increased liner slippage.
-      as the liner moves past 2500 milking there is a reduction in the average and peak milk flow rates
-      as well as the liner milking more slowly, which will extend milking, the aged liner is also less efficient at harvesting all the available milk
-      . Strip yields, or milk remaining in the udder after completion of milking, increases
-       increase in the number of discolored teats when the unit was removed.
Liner slippage is a known risk factor for new intermammary infections and every effort should be made to reduce the incidence. As well as a reduction in milking performance, there are subtle changes in the composition of the rubber. Butterfat tends to be absorbed into the rubber material and there is evidence that Calcium is deposited on the liner surface. The internal surface of the liner becomes rougher as the liner ages. The aggressive cleaning regimes in modern dairies use alkali and acid sanitizers’ and high temperature cleaning, all of which leads to denaturing of the rubber compound. The regular opening and closing of the liner during the pulsation cycle will result in the liner barrel becoming misshapen while the liner mouthpiece becomes distended leading to  a less efficient seal and lower mouthpiece vacuum.  In summary, a reluctance to change milking liners at the appropriate  interval can be false economy. It can lead to slower milking, longer  milking sessions and increased liner slippage. The internal surface of  the liner becomes harder to clean, increasing the risk of the transmission of mastitis pathogens and cleaning related quality problems.
Most sensible people would not put their family at risk by driving  with worn tires – perhaps we should give  the dairy herd the same consideration!
So to save money, keep an eye on udder health, inspect your  equipment regularly and change the liners as recommended!
Please share us about your
Number of caw ?
Daily Milking?
Number of Milking Point?
The last date you changed your liners?
F Then we able to inform you the date you have to change your liners and improve your herd health.
We are offering you the most suitable liners based on your caws, and system in the best prices.
Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram : +989122331204

Resources: Milkrite R&D, Boumatic R&D and University.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Application for Casual Retail Sales Assistant position

Application for Casual Retail Sales Assistant position,

RE: Application for Casual Retail Sales Assistant position

Dear Mr. Waqas

As a highly motivated and dedicated student with strong communication and interpersonal skills, I would like to apply for the position of Casual Retail Sales Assistant.

As a student I have been extensively involved in my school community, which has allowed me to develop strong interpersonal skills. My involvement in various events, including drama eisteddfods and sports carnivals, has allowed me to work closely with my peers while supporting the school community as a whole.

These experiences have allowed me to develop strong time management and organisational skills, which I see as being very important when seeking to work in casual employment while continuing to study.

Personal attributes that I believe make me suitable for this position include:

·        Motivation: Volunteer participation and school results demonstrate high motivation.
·        Customer Service: Assisting with the sale of products at community events has allowed the development of customer service skills.
·        Communication: Acting in drama performances and working as an MC for school events has allowed the development of communication skills.
My teachers and educators have commended me for my willingness to participate and my dedication to helping out where possible. I enjoy working with others and believe that my strong communication skills will ensure that I can meet the expectations of this role.
I am aware that you will receive a large number of applications for this job, but I would very much appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate my capabilities to you in person.
I believe that I have a lot to offer your organisation. I am keen to develop my professional skills and look forward to discussing my application with you at an interview. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your consideration. I can be contacted at all times on the details provided above.

Thanking you in advance for your time,

Joanne Tint
Respected Management,As a highly motivated and dedicated student with strong communication and interpersonal skills, I would like to apply for the position of General Bankin Officer.
As a student I have been extensively involved in my school,college community, which has allowed me to develop strong interpersonal skills. These experiences have allowed me to develop strong time management and organisational skills, which I see as being very important when seeking to work in casual employment .Personal attributes that I believe make me suitable for this position include:
•              Motivation
•              Customer Service
•              Communication
I am aware that you will receive a large number of applications for this job, but I would very much appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate my capabilities to you in person.
I believe that I have a lot to offer your organisation. I am keen to develop my professional skills and look forward to discussing my application with you at an interview. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your consideration. I can be contacted at all times on the details provided above.

Thanking you in advance for your time,

Sample Cover Letter: No Work Experience C.V writing

Sample Cover Letter: No Work Experience C.V writing ,

Sample Cover Letter: No Work Experience       
(A Youth Central Cover Letter Template)

Use this sample cover letter if:

·        You're applying for a job that has been advertised
·        You don't have any formal (paid) work experience

This sample cover letter demonstrates the kind of things you need to address if you're applying for an advertised job, but you don't have any formal (paid) work experience.
You can use this sample cover letter whatever your level of education. This sample has been designed to be used by high school students and graduates, tertiary students and graduates, and also people who have left school without doing VCE.
A good cover letter should include:
·        Your name, email address and phone number at the top of the page on the right
·        The name of the business and the contact person's full name on the left
·        The date you wrote the letter on the right
·        A reference line (e.g., "Re: Application for Administration Assistant position")
·        An address to the reader directly (e.g., "Dear Mr. Moyle" - try to avoid using "To whom it may concern" if you can)
·        An opening statement that briefly introduces you to the reader
·        A main body that highlights qualities and characteristics you have that are relevant to the job
·        A closing paragraph asking to arrange an interview
If you don't have any formal work experience, things you can mention in your cover letter include:

  • General skills that help you work in a team and as part of an organisation 

  • Personal attributes that will help you learn to work in a professional work environment

  • Key strengths and contributions that show you are a stand-out applicant

  • School work experience or volunteer work that demonstrates your strengths and attributes
  • Any sporting or community club participation (if relevant)
  • Any hobbies or interests that are relevant to the job or demonstrate your professional experience

Key points of this cover letter are that it:
·        Introduces you to the reader
·        Responds to the requirements of the job
·        Attracts the reader's interest and refers them to your resume
·        Doesn't include too many “I” statements, which can run the risk of disengaging the reader
The focus of this kind of cover letter is to prove that your personal qualities and characteristics are a good fit with the requirements of the job and also that they will make a positive contribution to the organisation or business.
If you have any questions about this sample cover letter, please contact us

Friday 21 April 2017

RESOLUTION in Livestock and Dairy Development Punjab,

RESOLUTION in Livestock and Dairy Development Punjab,

Secretary, Livestock and Dairy Development Punjab
Reverent sir, 
It is stated with due respect that under your leadership in almost last 3 years, the department of L&DD has gained an immense growth and prosperity. Some achievements are as under. 
• Establishment of 9211 virtual system and farmers’ registration, uploading of 8 vaccinations phases up till now and daily uploading of outdoor and field services activities on it.
• Introduction of Geo Tagging Application and daily uploading of various activities on this system.
• Distribution of dairy animals to the poor women and widows to create an honorable way of income for them.
• Better guidance of livestock farmers through extension services.
• Availability of medicines in veterinary institutions.
• Increased meat production through calf fattening schemes.
• Training of the community facilitators.
• The increased importance and prestige of department of L&DD among the other departments through provision of different services to the poor farmer, etc.
It evident that such growth and prosperity did not happen in the era any of your predecessors. Dear sir in the almost last 3 years since you became incumbent, all the officers and officials of department obeyed your every order and they didn’t take care even of their life in the execution of your orders. Particularly in the last year’s campaign of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (a zoonotic disease, spreads from animals to humans) in which the officers and officials were deputed 24/7 on various check posts throughout the province to spray the medicine on different sacrificial animals against Congo Virus. The employees executed your orders whole heartedly and will keep on doing this in the future as well.
But we have some rightful demands which are as under.
1. Approval of Health Professional Risk Allowance on the same pattern and rate the Medical Doctors are receiving.
2. The Non Practicing Allowance should be given, in the same way the Medical Doctors are receiving, to the field veterinary officers because the veterinary officers are giving 24/7 services to the animals.
3. The allocation of petty cash fund plus rationalization and filling of the vacancies of staff in various veterinary hospitals and dispensaries throughout the province where it is needed so that better services could be given to the farmers
Respected sir the Congo Virus Campaign is coming ahead in near future and we promise that we will do it with full commitment, dedication as we did last year. We expect that you will not disappoint us and you will fulfill our justified demands.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Negotiation an Art or Science?

 Negotiation an Art or Science?,

As a result, Waqas is skeptical about one-size-fits-all negotiation strategies. An approach that succeeds in one context could be disastrous in another. That makes him equally critical of the two mainstream negotiation approaches: win-win, in which parties creatively search for mutual gain, and hardball, where each party ruthlessly presses its own advantage.

"Win-win has much to say for it," Waqas says. "But it's not appropriate in every case. If the other person refuses to collaborate while you sincerely disclose your priorities, you'll certainly expand the pie, but they'll capture the lion's share." But always taking a hardliner stance also can. "That approach often tramples creative problem solving."

Waqas says that master negotiators don't shackle themselves with rigid plans. Instead, they're strategically agile, quick on their feet from moment to moment. That's not the same thing as winging it.because every negotiating situation is unique. Negotiating is both a science, based on theories, concepts and methods, and at the same time an art, as it were, which requires sensitivity to cultural differences, an ability to maintain a dialogue and a little bit of psychological skill.

Master your Negotiation skills - Executive Reading: Art & Science of Negotiation article. Dont risk profits from making this mistake in understanding.Art & Science of Negotiation (The)How to Resolve Conflicts and Get the Best Out ... The Art andScience of Negotiation will measurably improve your negotiating .When should you use negotiating skills to resolve conflict or issues? Should you ever walk away from anegotiating table. The results of practicing an art are not always definite or predictable as in a science. The act of negotiation does not always bring about/

Monday 10 April 2017

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum from UAE

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum from UAE,

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

We are building a new reality for our people, a new future for our children, and a new model of development

Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai

 Mons Officer Cadet School

United Arab Emirates.

“The Government’s job is to achieve happiness for people.” ~Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum became UAE Vice President and Prime Minister in 2006. His leadership vision has put UAE citizens’ empowerment, welfare and happiness at the core of all reforms and initiatives implemented since his accession. 

Sheikh Mohammed has been the driving force behind the transformation of modern Dubai into a major global city and the establishment of the UAE on the world stage. Today Dubai stands as a major centre for international trade as well as tourism and is home to over two million people representing over 220 nationalities.

As a passionate proponent of open, service-led governance and strategic planning, HH Sheikh Mohammed has led major reforms to make government more business-like. The swift, yet progressive, governmental improvements have taken place through a bundle of well-thought-out initiatives driven by innovation, creativity and the principles of transparency and accountability. HH’s vision for the UAE has been proven successful through achieving unprecedented rankings on global indexes and has lately achieved number one worldwide for government efficiency, according to IMD data.

“The UAE is not just a financial and economic nucleus, neither is it just a tourism hub: we are also a nerve centre of a global humanitarian work.” These words of Sheikh Mohammed physically manifest in the many charity and humanitarian foundations established by HH, which are major local and international players providing assistance and opportunities to the less fortunate around the globe.

While investing in the human capital has always been the utmost priority for HH, women’s contributions in professional and social contexts have always been highly acclaimed by HH. “we have already moved beyond the phase of empowering women. Indeed, we are empowering society itself through its women,” he said highlighting the importance of UAE women workforce.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib (A.S) 'The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget'.

Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib (A.S) The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget'.

There is something I have been recently, wondering. Something no one talks about. And it has become a dreadful part of our lives. It is deteriorating our society bit by bit and it stays there. No one to hear it. No one to raise their voice on it. Let me give a cloudless vision. I'm talking about 'Media Shaming'. It has become one of the most common activity in our daily life. Hence, most of us, are involved contagiously, in passing the worst forms of comments on something we find, inappropriate, or rather abhorrent. But have we failed to realize, why is it done in the first place?
It is like an usual affair, scrolling into your social media account, catching an eye, on something which is, 'made fun of', therefore, becomes a new source of entertainment and then we bully the person to which the post is referred to. We shame them, just by posting a comment.
Why have we become a society to discourage than to encourage the people around us? Why do we have to bully people to make them realize they don't 'fit in'? Has it become a trend, to shame people not coming from the same mindset as we do? Or rather than focusing on the real problems, we have made this a bigger one?
Moreover, we find someone's video- a personal video on the internet, what would be our reaction? Write down an embarrasing comment for them, share it further, pass it on?
But why? How would we feel, if the same happens with us? How can we let 'media shaming' become a good laugh for us. Yet, we keep lowering the self confidence and self esteem of our own, women, men, children and anyone trying to grow within the society! Somehow, I do understand, sometimes, we do it just to groom someone. But we cannot possibly groom someone by killing their inner self. By making them feel miserable about their own self.
Posting dreadful things about them. How can we possibly have such a right over any human life?
Likewise, we forget, the people we are 'reviewing' about, have a family too. Yes, they do. And they read what we write. So, it directly has a severe impact on their families too. The individuals, we actually, 'bad mouth' about, may have their issues of how they socialize, how they connect, how they communicate and how they blend in; it won't be in anyhow in our way. They maybe different. It is not silhouetted that we all share the same heart and personality. And just by 'shaming' them, why do we add to our sins? Why do we want to become an individual's reason of failure and depression?
Why not make an effort to terminate this disease from our society? If it overcomes our limit, how about we just let it go?
For the peace of ourself and others!
Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib (A.S) quoted, 'The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget'.
-Ayesha Sheikh


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When we started JWMI in 2010, we had a dream of creating the most exciting, relevant, student-centrist MBA program in the world. Hitting these milestones —1500 students enrolled, an incredible NPS score, and a top national ranking — is absolutely thrilling, and a reason to stop and celebrate the people who helped make it possible — our amazing students, working professionals hailing from every walk of life and industry around the world; our passionate, deeply engaged Faculty; and our terrifically talented creative and administrative teams. Thank you, one and all -- and now, onward to a future filled with opportunities and success!

Ambit Finance"

  Ambit Finance" As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, "Ambit Finance" is not a widely recognized term or entity ...