Tuesday 23 May 2017



LIST OF DAIRY CONTROL SHEDS IN PAKISTAN 1.Alraziq dairy Ferozpur Road Lahore 03044282140 2.Noble dairy Ravi toll Plaza Lahore 03028968624 3.Kowloon Dairy Thekriwala Faisalabad 03002525113 4.Umer Dairy Awagat Faisalabad 03216642425 5.Ansar Dairy Rana Ansar Kamalia 03004610544 6.Cheema dairy Klaske Gujranwala 03216407329 7.hafeez sultan samundri 0014034718078 8.Mr toor kot momin 03008009889 9.mr hasan shah pakpatan 03008401680,03084441280 10.mr memon multan 03008254955 11.Mr faheem sheikhupura. 03337441621 12 Mr Rana akmal Lahore 03324343254 13.humaad Lahore. 03211110755
14 C.H Waqas Mehmood 00923434057328

Healthy and ultimate Nutrition for Animals

 Healthy and ultimate Nutrition for Animals,

O.L.KAR-AgroZooVet-Service offers healthy and ultimate nutrition for animals. Feeds and feed additives satisfy technical regulations and are developed by veterinarian nutritional specialists with contributions from manufacturer. Premium class feeds and feed additives are free of GMO, artificial coloring agents, con servants and flavor intensifiers. During manufacturing, it is meant to be used up-scale technologies, expensive raw materials (natural meat of non-intensive agriculture). Products accessibility is 90-95%. As a consequence, products daily intake is decreased by 18%. Products are in vacuum environment (vacuum pack preservation technique is applied). They are persevered with the help of letter-quality conserving agents, ensuring their origin quality. Quality product release is a tradition of our company. our mutual cooperation bring you the following things: - trusted partner (15 years of market presence); - stable and high product quality; - continuous availability of product range; - well-established logistics; - competitive prices; - flexible payment policy and individual customer approach; My best regards, Natalie Koval, foreign sales manager Viber/WhatsApp/WeChat: +380995439200 or +380971962791 e-mail: matinal.promenade@gmail.com Skype: peppering Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natalie-koval-4381748b/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/natalie.koval.3 Address of head office: Kiev, 72 Velyka Vasilkivska St., Olimpiyski, BC, UKRAINE

Monday 22 May 2017

Disadvantages of Milking Machines and milking parlor in animals,

Disadvantages of Milking Machines and milking parlor in animals,

Disadvantages of Milking Machines.

Probably the greatest real criticism of the milking machine is the ease with which it spreads infectious  udder troubles .

(1) This has become so great in some herds that machine milking has been discontinued. Care must be taken to milk any cow last which shows any suspicion of inflammation of the udder, or better still, not to use the machine at all in such cases.
(2) A careful sterilization of the teat cups is always advisable, but especially so when there is any evidence of udder trouble.
(3) Since the chief source of dirt in milk is the body of the cow from which dirt drops during milking, it would appear that the use of the milking machine by excluding this dirt would be an important factor in improving the sanitary condition of milk. 
(4) However, surveys show that machine-drawn milk usually is inferior rather than superior to hand-drawn in bacterial content. This is the result of careless cleaning of the outfit. If the machine is properly cleaned and used, the sanitary condition of the milk is improved over hand milking; on the other hand, if not well cleaned, the milk is in decidedly worse condition.
(5) A farmer considering the purchase of a milking machine will do well to visit farms where different makes are in use and observe their operation. It is also well to select a machine that has been on the market long enough to make certain that the defects have been discovered and corrected. The chances are also better that a company which has been manufacturing a machine for several years will remain in business, making it possible for the user to secure parts when needed. The portable unit is a recent development with many advantages.

National Population Policy to achieve population stabilization by 2020.

National Population Policy  to achieve population stabilization by 2020,

“The overall vision of the National Population Policy 2002 is to achieve population stabilization by 2020 through the expeditious completion of the demographic transition that entails declines both in fertility and mortality rates”
The province of Punjab having a population of nearly 100 million presents the challenge to address issues like economic development and poverty reduction. While accommodating approximately 55.6 percent of the total population with 26 percent of the land area of the country, it faces major impact of rapid population increase. Such a heavy load, in the backdrop of low socio-economic indicators, not only dilutes results of development efforts, it also creates unacceptable level of demand on limited resources to meet requirements of additional population. Generating more resources for improving living conditions thus becomes a difficult task. In the past, high population growth has significantly added to the community living below poverty line. Based on present growth patterns and trends the population of Punjab is expected to double after 36 years. It is feared that the economy would not be able to sustain this growth, and no improvement in the quality of life would seem possible even under the most favorable assumptions. The present population trend is, therefore, a matter of deep national concern.
Addressing high population growth should undoubtedly be a central issue in the overall planning perspective. The need to pursue an effective Population Program at all levels can neither be ignored nor exaggerated. Differences in geographical distribution of population, being concentrated more in the northern districts of the province than in the southern districts, differences in terrain and in culture, and, to top it all, the choice for adoption of birth spacing by couples being purely voluntary are some of the challenges faced by the department to address the rapidly growing population.

Goals of the National Population Policy
PWD has formulated its goals as to:

·        Attain a balance between resources and population within the broad parameters of the ICPD paradigm.
·        Address various dimensions of the population issue within national laws, development priorities while remaining within our national social and cultural norms.
·        Increase awareness of the adverse consequences of rapid population growth both at the national, provincial, district and community levels.
·        Plan, organize and implement family planning, advocacy and service delivery activities through the Family Health Clinics, Mobile Service Units, Family Welfare Centers, Registered Medical Practitioners, Hakeems and Homoeopaths.
·        Promote family planning as an entitlement based on informed and voluntary choice.
·        Attain a reduction in fertility through improvement in access and quality of reproductive health services.
·        Reduce population momentum through a delay in the first birth, changing spacing patterns and reduction in family size desires.

Objectives of the National Population Policy
Moreover, the Department has stemmed its objectives which are:

·        Reduce population growth rate from 1.9 per cent per annul in 2004 to 1.3 percent per annul by the year 2020.
·        Reduce fertility through enhanced voluntary contraceptive adoption to replacement level 2.1 births per woman by 2020.
·        Increase contraceptive prevalence rate from 30% to 60% by 2020.
·        Universal access to safe family planning methods by 2020.

Strategies of the National Population Policy
In order to attain maximum results, PWD has coined very precise and decisive strategies. The department strives to:

·        Develop and launch advocacy campaigns to address special groups, such as, policy makers, opinion leaders, youth and adolescents.
·        Increase ownership of population issues by the stakeholders and strengthen their participation in the processes of service delivery and program designs.
·        Reduce unmet need for family planning services by making available quality family planning & RH services to all married couples who want to limit or space their children.
·        Adopt a shift from target oriented to people-centered needs and services
·        Ensure provision of quality services especially to the poor, under-served and unversed populations in rural areas and urban slums.
·        Coordinate and monitor a comprehensive network of family planning & reproductive health services.
·        Build strong partnerships with concerned Line Ministries, Provincial line Departments particularly Health, Non-Governmental Organizations and the private sector including the industrial sector to maintain standards in family planning by providing assistance/guidance through advocacy, training, monitoring and other means of participation and quality assurance.
·        Strengthen contribution to population activities by civil society players, particularly NGOs and media.
·        Expand the role of the private sector by making contraceptives accessible and affordable through social marketing of contraceptives and through local manufacture of contraceptives.
·        Decentralize program management and service delivery to provincial and district levels
·        Punjab Population Policy 2016, specifically tailored as per needs of the population of Punjab, has been drafted and is in process of approval.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Borderline personality disorder:

Borderline personality disorder:,

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental disorder marked by a pattern of ongoing instability in moods, behavior, self-image, and functioning. These experiences often result in impulsive actions and unstable relationships. A person with BPD may experience intense episodes of anger, depression, and anxiety that may last from only a few hours to days.
Some people with BPD also have high rates of co-occurring mental disorders, such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders, along with substance abuse, self-harm, suicidal thinking and behaviors, and suicide.
While mental health experts now generally agree that the label "borderline personality disorder" is very misleading, a more accurate term does not exist yet.
Signs and Symptoms
People with BPD may experience extreme mood swings and can display uncertainty about who they are. As a result, their interests and values can change rapidly.
Other symptoms include
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
A pattern of intense and unstable relationships with family, friends, and loved ones, often swinging from extreme closeness and love (idealization) to extreme dislike or anger (devaluation)
Distorted and unstable self-image or sense of self
Impulsive and often dangerous behaviors, such as spending sprees, unsafe sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, and binge eating
Recurring suicidal behaviors or threats or self-harming behavior, such as cutting
Intense and highly changeable moods, with each episode lasting from a few hours to a few days
Chronic feelings of emptiness
Inappropriate, intense anger or problems controlling anger
Having stress-related paranoid thoughts
Having severe dissociative symptoms, such as feeling cut off from oneself, observing oneself from outside the body, or losing touch with reality
Seemingly ordinary events may trigger symptoms. For example, people with BPD may feel angry and distressed over minor separations—such as vacations, business trips, or sudden changes of plans—from people to whom they feel close. Studies show that people with this disorder may see anger in an emotionally neutral face and have a stronger reaction to words with negative meanings than people who do not have the disorder.
Tests and Diagnosis
Unfortunately, BPD is often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed.
A licensed mental health professional experienced in diagnosing and treating mental disorders—such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or clinical social worker—can diagnose BPD based on a thorough interview and a comprehensive medical exam, which can help rule out other possible causes of symptoms.
The licensed mental health professional may ask about symptoms and personal and family medical histories, including any history of mental illnesses. This information can help the mental health professional decide on the best treatment. In some cases, co-occurring mental illnesses may have symptoms that overlap with BPD, making it difficult to distinguish BPD from other mental illnesses. For example, a person may describe feelings of depression but may not bring other symptoms to the mental health professional's attention.
Research funded by NIMH is underway to look for ways to improve diagnosis of and treatments for BPD, and to understand the various components of BPD and other personality disorders such as impulsivity, relationship problems, and emotional instability.
Risk Factors
The causes of BPD are not yet clear, but research suggests that genetic, brain, environmental and social factors are likely to be involved.
Genetics. BPD is about five times more likely to occur if a person has a close family member (first-degree biological relatives) with the disorder.
Environmental and Social Factors. Many people with BPD report experiencing traumatic life events, such as abuse or abandonment during childhood. Others may have been exposed to unstable relationships and hostile conflicts. However, some people with BPD do not have a history of trauma. And, many people with a history of traumatic life events do not have BPD.
Brain Factors. Studies show that people with BPD have structural and functional changes in the brain, especially in the areas that control impulses and emotional regulation. However, some people with similar changes in the brain do not have BPD. More research is needed to understand the relationship between brain structure and function and BPD.
Research on BPD is focused on examining biological and environmental risk factors, with special attention on whether early symptoms may emerge at a younger age than previously thought. Scientists are also studying ways to identify the disorder earlier in adolescents.
Treatments and Therapies
BPD has historically been viewed as difficult to treat. However, with newer and proper treatment, many people with BPD experience fewer or less severe symptoms and an improved quality of life. Many factors affect the length of time it takes for symptoms to improve once treatment begins, so it is important for people with BPD and their loved ones to be patient and to receive appropriate support during treatment. People with BPD can recover.

Monday 1 May 2017

Camel milk Production System is Neat and Pleasant,clean and comfortable habitat.

Camel milk Production System is Neat and Pleasant,clean and comfortable habitat.

Camel milk Production System is Neat and Pleasant.The Scientists are agreed that the products, especially milk coming from a happy and comfortable animal are far better than the animal in distressed conditions with a sad feeling.Camel is so lucky animal, living a joyful life in clean and comfortable habitat. in such a great place of living, camel farming is very eco-friendly, natural, clean, dry & airy, shiny and completely free of any foul smell. This clean environment ensures the quality of livelihood of the camel and the absence of pathogenic microorganisms. Contrary to the camel, the cow (factory farming) is not that happy and lives in a panic situation. The uncomfortable and unclean environment alter hormonal profile due to the stress making the milk quality unhealthy. It is also a fact that the microorganisms grow better in the products of the stressed animal as stress are the driving force of lower immunity.

Ambit Finance"

  Ambit Finance" As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, "Ambit Finance" is not a widely recognized term or entity ...